About Us

Univa Foods Limited is a public limited company, listed on BSE Limited (Scrip Code: 526683) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited (‘NSE’) (Symbol: UNIVAFOODS).
The Company is incorporated under Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at B-702, 7 th Floor, Neelkanth Business Park, Kirol Village, Near Bus Depot, Vidyavihar (W), Mumbai – 400086.
The Company is professionally managed and the management of the Company is driven to improve governance practices across all the levels of the organization. At present, the Company is focused on product innovation, market expansion and capital infusion through various potential investors, all to support the growth-plans, overcome the hurdles on the way ahead.
Our stern focus is on seeking opportunities to form alliances and partnerships, cost optimization, revenue enhancement. Furthermore, our future outlook is a comprehensive turnaround plan that mainly focuses on market expansion and product innovation.